Module cache
This is a caching library for discord based on the pg-native library.
const { Cache } = require('@helperdiscord/cache');
const { REST } = require('@klasa/rest'); // a rest client you can use
const { Client } = require('discord.js'); // djs rest
/* One possible option */
const rest = new REST({ version: 8 });
rest.token = process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN;
/* Another possible option */
const rest = new Client();
rest.token = process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN;
const cache = new Cache(process.env.POSTGRES_URI, { cache: true, rest: rest });
const doge = cache.users.get('395782478192836608'); // will return a user object (from cache) or null
const forceDoge = await cache.users.fetch('395782478192836608'); // will return a user object or null
cache.users.del('395782478192836608'); // will remove the user with the id "395782478192836608" from the user cache
Note: You need libpq bindings for this to work
Cacheclass CacheCache
Cacheclass CacheCache